About Me

I focus on bringing a user-centered approach to the product design process. I make sure the strategy we have envisioned gets executed.

I have 15+ years of professional experience leading and designing responsive and native mobile products for Enterprise, B2B, SAAS and e-commerce companies.

My specialty is in designing complex systems into modern intuitive web & mobile applications and user interfaces (UI). I can think in big picture systems design ideas down to the details of a flow.

Photo of Marga
Design Thinking Orange County

I am co-founder, mentor and teacher of the Design Thinking Orange County Meetup. Our goals are to use design-thinking methodology across various industries and the community. We teach how to use design to solve real world business & design problems.

Join the group on Meetup.com to get notified of upcoming events.

Chicago skyline
Orange County Beach

I am originally from Chicago (a place with real winter), and now live in Orange County, California. Everyone asks me which place I like better. I like both places; they are very different from each other - although you can’t beat the weather in Orange County. I still laugh because so many people here wear flip-flops year round and complain that it is cold when it goes below 60 degrees.

Before I started working in technology, I was a professional classical musician, I played French Horn. I was living in Mexico City for a few years playing in an orchestra there, which is how I learned to speak Spanish

What matters to me as a designer

By keeping the users needs in the center of our activities, we can create amazing products
Using evidence to make decisions - so we don’t just rely on someone’s opinion
Collaborating cross-functionally because it brings fresh ideas and perspectives

I'm a voracious learner

I enjoy keeping current with the constant evolution of tech and design. I research the latest trends and keep up with the design and tech community, a few are listed below.

online and local communities
Designer Hangout
Leaders of Awesomeness
UX Strategy & Research
Los Angeles Design and Development
Orange County User Experience
rosenfeld media communities
Enterprise Experience Community
Rosenfeld media conducts three monthly community meetings for design leaders. I most often attend the Enterprise Experience session which focuses more on B2B and Enterprise design.

I occasionally attend the Advancing Research Community sessions and the DesignOps Community.
Robotics Conference
I have attended a Robotics and AI conference at UC Berkeley in 2019 & 2020 because I have an interest in this area. It was super interesting!

Some day I would like to have a job that will work on improving the experience interacting with robots.
Enterprise Experience Conference
I have been lucky to attend the Enterprise Experience Conference three times, 2016, 2017 & 2019. The content is consistently well curated.

Podcasts & Tech News I Enjoy

Jake & Jonathan podcastThe Crazy One podcastGrumpy Old Geeks podcastDesign Better podcastTechCrunch
MIxed Methods
Emerging Tech Brew